Python Basics -Operators
Explore different types of operators and its syntax
Sathish M
2/28/20252 min read
OPERATORS and its types
Operators are mathematical operators used to manipulate the data values. Different type of operators are
Arithmetic Operator (symbols in the BODMAS mathematics rule)
Comparison Operator (which are called as a relational symbols in mathematics)
Assignment Operator (used to assign data values)
Logical Operator (mostly in all programming languages it is used to comparing the values)
Now, will explore one by one in detail.
Arithmetic Operator:
Operators used to do arithmetic calculations, list of operators and its uses are listed below
The following codes gives the examples of using arithmetic operator in python

As you see, the output generated using the above code in jupyter notebook.
Comparison Operator:
Operator used to compare the data values, the result is either True or False. List of comparison operator and its uses are listed below
The following codes gives the examples of using arithmetic operator in python

As you see, the output generated using the above code in jupyter notebook.
Assignment Operator:
Operator used assign the values and the variables which the values are assigned are also used operates with the values by arithmetic operators. List of assignment operators and its purpose are illustrated below
The following codes gives the examples of using arithmetic operator in python

Logical Operator:
Operator used compare the values and return either True or False. List of assignment operators and its purpose are illustrated below
As you see, the output generated using the above code in jupyter notebook.

As you see, the output generated using the above code in jupyter notebook.